

Foundation Day & Last Day Term 3

Foundation Day – Friday, 5 July

On Friday, 5 July our College will celebrate Foundation Day. Foundation Day recognises the commencement of the College and has an outward focus on supporting missions that the College supports.

Key Information

  • Students are encouraged to donate $5.00 per student or $10.00 per family to support the mission groups listed below. The donations will be tallied in House Groups with the House that raises the most money being declared Mission Fundraising Champions 2024. The totals will be added to the Overall House Shield.
  • Money will be collected during Care and Culture groups on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Week 10
  • All students need to wear their House Polo Shirt and PE/Sports Uniform for the day. Tracksuit top and pants to arrive and leave the College.
  • During Break 1, some House based challenges will take place in the playground with points that will accrue to the Overall House Shield
  • At Break 2 the Grand Final of the SRC House Basketball Competition will take place on the Front Basketball Court. All students not playing are welcome to come and spectate.
  • At the end of Break 2, all students in Years K-12 will line-up under the Shoulder to Shoulder Shelter. The Mission Fundraising Champions will be announced as well as the SRC Basketball Competition Winners.

Listed below are the Missions we are supporting in 2024:

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Hope Street Mission

African Aids Foundation

Mr Liam Toland
Director of Care & Culture T-12